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Proven Success: 100%
performance improvement;
100% pass rate

Participants that have undertaken training with R.O.E Training Solutions have achieved outstanding results in their chosen careers.
For example, participants trained in the lead up to and during their command courses have achieved a 100% pass rate.
Participants have stated that their confidence has improved and their performance during real world and simulated scenarios has increased substantially.
Customized ​Learning

Different Trainees
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

R.O.E Training Solutions understands that each trainee learns differently because of their culture (conditioning).
During R.O.E. courses, participants learn what culture is and how they became who they are and why they do what they do.
After understanding themselves to a greater degree, participants learn to employ robust proprietary models to achieve consistently high performance in their personal and professional lives.
Top Airline
Pilot Upgrade Success

In The News
Human Factors
In the pilot’s profession the impact of “human factor” is massive. Everyone knows that no pilot can fly the plane without a set of technical skills.
The Resilience Spiral
The Resilience Spiral describes the richness of states and stages we experience throughout our lives. First, it offers a map to understand and master ourselves. Second, as we progress upward, it enables us to understand and influence others.
R.O.E Training Solutions has worked with individuals from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds and has achieved success with each and every trainee.
Individualized training solutions which focus on each trainees' personal needs are presented.
Trainees have reported that they absolutely achieved the results that they were seeking from attending a R.O.E training workshop.
Over many years R.O.E Training Solutions has been delivering the R.O.E Model © and other proprietary training solutions to career professionals and to pilots of some of the world's top airlines.
Graduates of the R.O.E training courses have achieved outstanding results in their chosen careers and during command training, First Officer upgrade training and remedial training.
The secret to performing under pressure
Some people freeze under the glare of publicity like rabbits in the headlights. Many seasoned performers show no strain however. What is their secret? How can you learn it?
Q. Would you recommend the R.O.E Training Solutions one day intensive course to other pilots?
A. Absolutely. I gained valuable, practical advice. The R.O.E Model© is an excellent tool that every pilot can use.
When stress levels are up, I now have a logical order in my head to hang my hat on. The fluidity of the aviation industry cannot allow for a blind set structure due to the dynamics involved in a non-normal situation, however, you’re trained to at least think about, consider, action and alter if necessary a rough structural mental model.
The R.O.E Model © is extremely useful for establishing a generic method for dealing with any ECAM that is not a simple ‘1 liner’. It heavily emphasises the important A-N-C ‘top view’ of managing non-normals.
During a period of less than optimal performance David worked with me to develop my confidence and understanding. He allowed me to learn more about myself and how to be more effective in my role as a second officer
First Officer
Second Officer